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Michaël Taelman

Country Leader - CBRE Luxemburg

[email protected]

+352 621 614 075

Michaël Taelman

About Michaël Taelman

Michael Taelman joined CBRE back in 2010 as Head of Occupier Services and, as such, developed (one of) the strongest team(s) of the sector with extensive expertise in assisting national and international corporates to define and implement their real estate strategy.

In 2011, realizing that workplace strategy and fit-out works management could be a significant value add to the CBRE’s approach to occupiers, Michael launched the department Workspace. Working very closely with A&TS Occupier Services and Investor Leasing departments, Workspace became a leading player in assisting occupiers to define their surface requirements, their footprint needed, to design their new work environment and to implement it.

Aside of heading the Advisory & Transaction Services Occupier department, Michael successfully managed the largest corporate transactions on the BeLux market amongst which the purchase of a 100.000sqm single asset property.

Thanks to his success in building relationships with large occupiers, Michael has been appointed in 2018 to manage, on top of the Occupier department, the Portfolio Services and the Contracting Clients departments.

Early in 2024, and not only in the light of his successful track record as team manager, but also thanks to his extensive knowledge of all real estate aspect, Michael has been appointed as Country Leader of CBRE Luxemburg.

Latest insights from Michaël Taelman

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